Florida Man Facing 100 Counts of Child Porn

Possession of child porn is a common occurrence, particularly in Florida. Many people become addicted to viewing this type of porn. They either are unaware of the legal consequences, or they know but don’t care. Most people who view child porn don’t think that they will ever be caught. However, many people do, and they have to face such severe consequences such as prison time and sex offender registration. Some even lose their jobs and become alienated from friends and family members.
Recently, one Florida man was caught with child porn images. Police confiscated the man’s cell phone and found 100 images depicting child porn. Some of the images involved infants. The 34-year-old man was arrested at his Tampa home. He is in jail on a $750,000 bond.
Child Sexual Abuse
Child sexual abuse is, unfortunately, more common than you may think. It refers to sexual acts between minors, or between a minor and adult. Typically, an adult persuades a minor to engage in these acts. Sexual abuse is one of the most prevalent health problems children face. Girls are more likely than boys to be abused. The rates of abuse are 1 in 7 girls and 1 in 25 boys (before their 18th birthday).
The good news is that sexual abuse is declining, although it is unknown why. Only about 38 percent of victims disclose their abuse to others. Many never disclose because they are afraid of the consequences. They may think that the perpetrator will come after them and harm them. They may be ashamed of what happened and think that they are the ones to blame.
When people think of rape, they may think of adults being the ones raped. While this is often the case, children are also raped at high rates. More than 40 percent of rapes involve children under the age of 18. Nearly 30 percent of victims were between the ages of 12 and 17, while those under age 12 account for 15 percent of rape victims.
Abusers know the children in 90 percent of cases. As many as 30 percent are abused by family members. This is especially true for younger victims, who are more likely to be abused by a family member. Those who are homosexual are not more likely than heterosexuals to abuse children.
Contact a Legal Professional for Help
Possessing images of naked children engaging in sexual acts may not seem wrong, but it is. Child porn is much different from adult porn. In adult porn, those involved typically consent to the images, plus those involved are over the age of 18. While adult porn may be morally unacceptable to some, it is legal. Even looking at child porn is illegal because it allows young, innocent children to continue being victimized.
If you are facing child porn charges, you may be concerned about your future and what happens next. The Gainesville criminal defense attorneys at the Law Offices of Gilbert A. Schaffnit can help you understand the charges you are facing and possibly even reduce or eliminate them. To learn more, schedule a consultation by calling (352) 505-1799.