Fort Lauderdale Man Arrested on Child Porn Charges

Even though it is illegal, child porn is still alluring to many people. They may be unfazed by porn featuring adults and want to see something that will really shock them. Yes, child porn does have a high shock factor, but simply viewing these images is against the law. Someone caught watching videos or viewing images depicting naked children can face serious trouble.
A Fort Lauderdale man is facing multiple child porn charges after getting caught using internet connections from all over the city to transmit pornographic images of children. The man was arrested on July 18 after the Fort Lauderdale Police Department received information from the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children about the man’s internet activities. The 47-year-old man was arrested at his home by members of the South Florida Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force.
Several of the man’s electronic devices were confiscated. His devices are still in the process of being forensically reviewed. The case is still open, but so far, the man faces multiple charges, including computer pornography involving a child, transmission of child pornography by electronic device and promoting sexual performance by a child.
What is Child Porn Distribution?
All types of child porn are wrong, but some instances are more serious than others. For example, while possession of child porn is wrong, distribution of child porn is even worse. But what exactly does this mean?
Distribution of child porn can occur in various ways. Any time a person shares an illicit photo of a child with another person, they run the risk of being charged with child porn distribution.
Distribution can occur physically or digitally. Printing a picture and giving it to someone is considered distribution. So is giving a person a CD with photos or images of nude children. Sending photos to someone via email or shared site is also considered distribution.
Forwarding photos via email or text message are other ways in which people can distribute child porn. Using the internet, private network or file sharing site is also considered distribution.
What about merely showing someone a picture you found, without actually sending or giving it to them? It would depend on the circumstances. At the very least, a person could be charged with possession of child porn. Also, it is important to understand that showing a child any type of pornographic image can result in serious criminal charges. If you’re in doubt, don’t do it.
Contact a Legal Professional for Help
Those who view or distribute child porn to others can face serious penalties. Keeping these images stored on laptops, computers, smartphones, CDs and USB devices is against the law and will likely lead to jail time, fines and other penalties.
These charges are no laughing matter. If you are facing child porn charges, you must act quickly to receive the best outcome possible. Count on the Gainesville criminal defense attorneys at the Law Offices of Gilbert A. Schaffnit to review your case and help reduce or eliminate your charges. To schedule a consultation, fill out the online form or give us a call at (352) 505-1799.