Florida Pediatrician Arrested for Child Pornography Charges

We rely on doctors to work in our best interests and keep us healthy and safe. Parents rely on pediatricians to ensure their children are healthy and thriving. Learning that their child’s doctor possesses child porn materials can be a shocking revelation.
This really happened in Florida. A 49-year-old pediatrician was recently arrested for possession of child pornography. The investigation against the Parkland man began in June 2020 after the Broward Sheriff’s Office received a tip about a man who was possessing and distributing child porn materials.
Detectives obtained a search warrant and found a child around 8 or 10 years old having sex with an adult man. They also discovered multiple photos of young children in their underwear, shorts or swimsuit, seemingly unaware that their photos are being taken.
Based on the photos they found, detectives obtained another search warrant so they could search the doctor’s home in Parkland. There, they found photos of his daughter’s friends. The children were clothed and were primarily between the ages of 13 and 15. One child was 10 years old.
Detectives also discovered that the pediatrician used the KIK app to communicate with a child who was 15 years old at the time. The child sent the pediatrician sexually explicit photos.
The doctor was booked at the Broward Sheriff’s Office Main Jail on the afternoon of January 12. He faces multiple charges, including one count of computer pornography and two counts of possession of sexual performance by a child.
Child Porn Possession
If you have ever viewed child porn images on your computer, then you have already committed a crime. Simply viewing these explicit images is grounds for both state and federal crimes.
This may seem harsh, but that’s because law enforcement officials take child porn crimes very seriously. Exploiting these innocent children is heartbreaking. With the internet, nothing really ever goes away. These children may find disturbing images of themselves on websites for years to come. The abuse continues.
Many people think they can simply delete their browser history and delete any child porn files they have downloaded. The truth is that even if you think you have erased the files, they still exist in some form. They stay on your hard drive until they are overwritten, which may never happen. If it does, it takes many years. Law enforcement officials can also look at servers to see which websites you have accessed. Never assume that your online activities are private.
Contact a Legal Professional for Help
Even doctors who work with children can be arrested for child porn crimes, as seen in this. This is a scary situation for all involved, including the doctor, children and parents.
Any person convicted of child porn possession, creation or distribution will face many years in prison. Florida child pornography lawyer Gilbert A. Schaffnit has more than 40 years of experience handling these types of cases. He can help you preserve your freedom. Schedule a free consultation today by calling (352) 505-1799 or filling out the online form.