Florida Child Porn Suspect Kills Himself at Traffic Stop

Child porn suspects often spend many years in prison for their actions. Some, however, would rather kill themselves than spend time as an inmate living in a small cell. Unfortunately, that was the case for a Florida man.
A recent traffic stop in Florida resulted in a fatality. The incident happened on the evening of April 3 near John Young Parkway and West Emmett Street in Kissimmee. Police identified a driver as a child porn suspect and attempted to pull over the man. The man had two children in the vehicle, but police did not know that at the time.
Police removed the two children from the car. That was when the 48-year-old man took his life, in front of his ex-wife. He shot himself and died from his injuries.
The incident led to a solo-vehicle crash involving a police cruiser. The car flipped over, causing significant damage. Fortunately, the officer inside was unharmed. Police are investigating the incident.
Child Porn Penalties
Child porn offenses such as possession and trafficking are often charged at the federal level. Congress has created new child porn offenses over the past decade. Sentencing guidelines were revised nine times between 1987 and 2009. Each change resulted in longer sentences. The penalties continue to increase, which is bad news for those convicted of these crimes.
While victims of these crimes may be happier with the longer sentences, sometimes the punishment does not fit the crime. For example, in some cases, those who possess child porn images are punished more severely than those who engage in sexual activity with a child.
In 1997, the average sentence for someone convicted of a child porn crime was just over 20 months. This number jumped to 118 months by 2010. This also led to an increase in convictions. In the 1990s, there were just a few dozen convictions per year. This spiked to 1,886 cases in 2010.
Since child pornography is a federal crime, the penalties can vary. While possession of child pornography does not carry a mandatory minimum sentence, most other child porn offenses do. This includes receipt of child pornography. This is important to know, since almost everyone who has child porn in their possession has received it in some way. The only exception would be those who produce child porn.
Because of this, there is some discretion in how judges can hand down child porn penalties. If you are facing such charges, it is important to have a lawyer on your side who can provide you with a solid defense.
Contact a Legal Professional for Help
Child porn cases often end badly for the suspect. Sometimes they are put in prison, but in some cases, they decide to take their own life.
A child porn charge is not something worth taking your life over. While you will likely face some challenges, you can get your penalties reduced with the right defense. The Law Offices of Gilbert A. Schaffnit in Florida offers aggressive representation for those facing child porn charges. Schedule a consultation with a skilled Florida child pornography lawyer today by calling (352) 505-1799 or filling out the online form.