Florida Teacher Faces Child Porn Charges

Child pornography is a crime that affects people of all ages, professions, locations and walks of life. Child porn is a growing activity in the United States. The scary part for parents is that even teachers—those whom we entrust to teach our kids—can become involved with child porn.
A Florida teacher was recently arrested for child porn distribution. The former Jacksonville teacher, 49, used the screen name “Mr. Fireball” to send child porn over the internet. The man was a teacher at Orange Park High School between 1997 and 2004 and taught at Clay High School from 2016-2017.
The investigation began in February, when an undercover police officer posed as a 14-year-old. The officer posted a notice online and the teacher responded. He engaged in conversations about sex and sent pornographic videos. One video showed a child being sexually abused. The other video showed the teacher performing a sexual act. The teacher also asked the undercover officer to send photos.
The teacher was arrested in mid-September after police searched his home. Executing a search warrant, they found several smartphones and computers.
Child Porn Distribution
Distribution of child porn is punished more severely than merely viewing an image. But what exactly constitutes “distribution?”
Child porn distribution can occur in a variety of ways. Merely sharing pornographic materials can be considered distribution. This means giving away or selling materials, whether they are digital or hard copy in nature.
File sharing is another form of distribution. Many people use the internet or private networks to share files with others. Sending images via text or email can also be considered distribution. Even teens who share nude photos of themselves with peers can face child porn distribution charges.
Simply showing a person a photo of a child who is nude or engaging in sexual acts may be considered child porn distribution. The law if unclear when two adults show each other images. However, an adult showing child porn to a child can face serious criminal charges.
In fact, showing a child photos of any type of porn to lure them—whether it involves child or adults—is illegal. This is called child enticement. Child enticement typically incorporates multiple crimes, such as pandering (offering to buy or sell porn), child porn, sexual abuse and prostitution. Many laws related to child enticement are outdated, as they do not adequately address the use of technology and its role in child porn cases.
Contact a Legal Professional for Help
As this story shows, anyone in any profession can be accused and charged with child porn. It is not a crime that only certain people engage. Teachers, government workers, public officials and even law enforcement officers have been caught viewing and distributing child porn.
Child porn charges come with serious consequences. If you are facing such charges, you need aggressive representation for the best outcome possible. The Law Offices of Gilbert A. Schaffnit can help reduce your charges or even eliminate them altogether. To learn more about your legal options, call (352) 505-1799 or fill out the online form.